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Hot Math

Hot Math

Learn Mental Math Fast Hot Ma...
運(yùn)營  | 15.7M
游戲介紹 游戲截圖 熱門推薦 同類推薦

Hot Math游戲介紹

Hot Math簡介

Learn Mental Math Fast Hot Math was designed to help people learn their times/division tables. You can set how high you want the tables to go, and the app supports up to 100x100. You can also set a time limit for each problem. The game is meant to be fast paced, and it utilizes analytics to help you learn your times tables faster. Got a question wrong? The game keeps track of that and is more likely to give you that question again in the future. Not sure where you struggle? The "Statistics" page lets you know exactly what problems you're making mistakes on. This app is 100% free with ZERO in-app purchases and ZERO advertisements.
版本: 更新時(shí)間:2024-03-28 權(quán)限說明  |  隱私政策

Hot Math游戲截圖

Hot Math截圖
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Hot Math截圖1
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Jordan Math好玩嗎 Jordan Math玩法簡介

期待已久的手游Jordan Math即將登陸九游,這款手機(jī)游戲吸引了大批玩家的關(guān)注,想下載這款游戲,有很多粉絲都在問九游小編Jordan Math好玩嗎?Jordan Math值不值得玩?現(xiàn)在就為大家來簡單分析下,看看這款游戲的玩法特點(diǎn)和游戲劇情介紹 。

Jordan Math快速預(yù)約/下載地址(需優(yōu)先下載九游APP):

》》》》》#Jordan Math#《《《《《

Jordan Math好玩嗎 Jordan Math玩法簡介

Jordan Math好玩嗎 Jordan Math玩法簡介

Jordan Math好玩嗎 Jordan Math玩法簡介

Jordan Math好玩嗎 Jordan Math玩法簡介

Jordan Math好玩嗎 Jordan Math玩法簡介

1、Jordan Math簡要評析:


2、Jordan Math圖片欣賞:

Jordan Math好玩嗎 Jordan Math玩法簡介

Jordan Math好玩嗎 Jordan Math玩法簡介

Jordan Math好玩嗎 Jordan Math玩法簡介

Jordan Math好玩嗎 Jordan Math玩法簡介

Jordan Math好玩嗎 Jordan Math玩法簡介

通過上面的游戲介紹和圖片,可能大家對Jordan Math有大致的了解了,不過這么游戲要怎么樣才能搶先體驗(yàn)到呢?不用擔(dān)心,目前九游客戶端已經(jīng)開通了測試提醒了,通過在九游APP中搜索“Jordan Math”,點(diǎn)擊右邊的【訂閱】或者是【開測提醒】,訂閱游戲就不會錯過最先的下載機(jī)會了咯!

玩新游 上九游
  • 全球好游搶先下
  • 福利禮包免費(fèi)領(lǐng)
  • 官方直播陪你玩


Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone好玩嗎 Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone玩法簡介

期待已久的手游Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone即將登陸九游,這款手機(jī)游戲吸引了大批玩家的關(guān)注,想下載這款游戲,有很多粉絲都在問九游小編Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone好玩嗎?Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone值不值得玩?現(xiàn)在就為大家來簡單分析下,看看這款游戲的玩法特點(diǎn)和游戲劇情介紹 。

Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone快速預(yù)約/下載地址(需優(yōu)先下載九游APP):

》》》》》#Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone#《《《《《

Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone好玩嗎 Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone玩法簡介

Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone好玩嗎 Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone玩法簡介

Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone好玩嗎 Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone玩法簡介

Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone好玩嗎 Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone玩法簡介

Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone好玩嗎 Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone玩法簡介

1、Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone簡要評析:

- 3 種模式(簡單、中等、困難)。
- 與朋友或家人一起玩樂。
- 在手表或手機(jī)上播放。

2、Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone圖片欣賞:

Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone好玩嗎 Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone玩法簡介

Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone好玩嗎 Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone玩法簡介

Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone好玩嗎 Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone玩法簡介

Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone好玩嗎 Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone玩法簡介

Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone好玩嗎 Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone玩法簡介

通過上面的游戲介紹和圖片,可能大家對Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone有大致的了解了,不過這么游戲要怎么樣才能搶先體驗(yàn)到呢?不用擔(dān)心,目前九游客戶端已經(jīng)開通了測試提醒了,通過在九游APP中搜索“Math Puzzle for Watch & Phone”,點(diǎn)擊右邊的【訂閱】或者是【開測提醒】,訂閱游戲就不會錯過最先的下載機(jī)會了咯!

玩新游 上九游
  • 全球好游搶先下
  • 福利禮包免費(fèi)領(lǐng)
  • 官方直播陪你玩


Math Wars - 操作好玩嗎?Math Wars - 操作游戲介紹

導(dǎo)讀:期待已久的熱門手游Math Wars - 操作火爆來襲啦!這款手機(jī)游戲吸引了大批游戲玩家的的關(guān)注,有很多玩家都在問九游小編Math Wars - 操作好玩嗎?想知道這款手游怎么樣?今天小編就來說一下Math Wars - 操作游戲介紹,帶各位玩家詳細(xì)了解一下這款手機(jī)游戲的所有玩法特點(diǎn)系統(tǒng)分析介紹,你就會知道Math Wars - 操作究竟怎么樣,好不好玩了!


Math Wars - 操作好玩嗎?Math Wars - 操作游戲介紹

Math Wars - 操作好玩嗎?Math Wars - 操作游戲介紹

Math Wars - 操作好玩嗎?Math Wars - 操作游戲介紹

Math Wars - 操作好玩嗎?Math Wars - 操作游戲介紹

Math Wars - 操作好玩嗎?Math Wars - 操作游戲介紹

看了上邊的Math Wars - 操作游戲介紹,各位玩家是否都了解了這款手游全部玩法特點(diǎn)系統(tǒng)分析介紹,知道Math Wars - 操作怎么樣,好不好玩呢!

Nasty Math好玩嗎?Nasty Math游戲介紹

導(dǎo)讀:期待已久的熱門手游Nasty Math火爆來襲啦!這款手機(jī)游戲吸引了大批游戲玩家的的關(guān)注,有很多玩家都在問九游小編Nasty Math好玩嗎?想知道這款手游怎么樣?今天小編就來說一下Nasty Math游戲介紹,帶各位玩家詳細(xì)了解一下這款手機(jī)游戲的所有玩法特點(diǎn)系統(tǒng)分析介紹,你就會知道Nasty Math究竟怎么樣,好不好玩了!

你只有有限的時(shí)間來完成給定的目標(biāo) 您可以單獨(dú)或與您的朋友一起玩 切勿點(diǎn)選錯了顏色! 獲得高分,打敗你的朋友!

Nasty Math好玩嗎?Nasty Math游戲介紹

Nasty Math好玩嗎?Nasty Math游戲介紹

Nasty Math好玩嗎?Nasty Math游戲介紹

Nasty Math好玩嗎?Nasty Math游戲介紹

Nasty Math好玩嗎?Nasty Math游戲介紹

看了上邊的Nasty Math游戲介紹,各位玩家是否都了解了這款手游全部玩法特點(diǎn)系統(tǒng)分析介紹,知道Nasty Math怎么樣,好不好玩呢!

Math Numbers Free好玩嗎?Math Numbers Free游戲介紹

導(dǎo)讀:期待已久的熱門手游Math Numbers Free火爆來襲啦!這款手機(jī)游戲吸引了大批游戲玩家的的關(guān)注,有很多玩家都在問九游小編Math Numbers Free好玩嗎?想知道這款手游怎么樣?今天小編就來說一下Math Numbers Free游戲介紹,帶各位玩家詳細(xì)了解一下這款手機(jī)游戲的所有玩法特點(diǎn)系統(tǒng)分析介紹,你就會知道Math Numbers Free究竟怎么樣,好不好玩了!

Math Numbers Free是一款免費(fèi)的快速計(jì)算競技游戲。在游戲中顯示1到30的數(shù)字計(jì)算式,按從1到30的大小順序點(diǎn)擊模塊即可??凑l能以最快的速度完成哦! 所有的數(shù)字都顯示為簡單的加法,減法,乘法和除法的方程式,沒有一定的心算能力玩不了哦! 不過即使你不知道下一個數(shù)字在哪也不要緊,因?yàn)橛螒蛑?秒后會給你提示喲!誰都可以完成游戲哦!不過在游戲中提供了7關(guān),2x2, 3x3, 3x4, 4x4, 4x5, 5x5和5x6。只有在指定時(shí)間內(nèi)點(diǎn)擊所有數(shù)字的才能順利過關(guān)??! 在游戲過程中你的心算能力會自然提高??! 來試試吧,看你能在世界排行榜中排第幾名?!

Math Numbers Free好玩嗎?Math Numbers Free游戲介紹

Math Numbers Free好玩嗎?Math Numbers Free游戲介紹

Math Numbers Free好玩嗎?Math Numbers Free游戲介紹

Math Numbers Free好玩嗎?Math Numbers Free游戲介紹

Math Numbers Free好玩嗎?Math Numbers Free游戲介紹

看了上邊的Math Numbers Free游戲介紹,各位玩家是否都了解了這款手游全部玩法特點(diǎn)系統(tǒng)分析介紹,知道Math Numbers Free怎么樣,好不好玩呢!

Math Test 4好玩嗎?Math Test 4游戲介紹

導(dǎo)讀:期待已久的熱門手游Math Test 4火爆來襲啦!這款手機(jī)游戲吸引了大批游戲玩家的的關(guān)注,有很多玩家都在問九游小編Math Test 4好玩嗎?想知道這款手游怎么樣?今天小編就來說一下Math Test 4游戲介紹,帶各位玩家詳細(xì)了解一下這款手機(jī)游戲的所有玩法特點(diǎn)系統(tǒng)分析介紹,你就會知道Math Test 4究竟怎么樣,好不好玩了!

測驗(yàn)?zāi)臄?shù)學(xué)與反應(yīng), 例如給一個算式, 求出空格的答案, 或是給一個數(shù)字, 您要找出哪幾個數(shù)加起來等於該數(shù)字, 每個題目有四個答案可供選擇(可能不只一個答案), 您可以選擇三種遊戲模式與五種難易程度, 您更可以測試使用重力控制來輸入答案以增加困難度並訓(xùn)練思考!

Math Test 4好玩嗎?Math Test 4游戲介紹

Math Test 4好玩嗎?Math Test 4游戲介紹

Math Test 4好玩嗎?Math Test 4游戲介紹

Math Test 4好玩嗎?Math Test 4游戲介紹

Math Test 4好玩嗎?Math Test 4游戲介紹

看了上邊的Math Test 4游戲介紹,各位玩家是否都了解了這款手游全部玩法特點(diǎn)系統(tǒng)分析介紹,知道Math Test 4怎么樣,好不好玩呢!

Droid Math Free好玩嗎?Droid Math Free游戲介紹

導(dǎo)讀:期待已久的熱門手游Droid Math Free火爆來襲啦!這款手機(jī)游戲吸引了大批游戲玩家的的關(guān)注,有很多玩家都在問九游小編Droid Math Free好玩嗎?想知道這款手游怎么樣?今天小編就來說一下Droid Math Free游戲介紹,帶各位玩家詳細(xì)了解一下這款手機(jī)游戲的所有玩法特點(diǎn)系統(tǒng)分析介紹,你就會知道Droid Math Free究竟怎么樣,好不好玩了!

The goal in Droid Math is easy as pie: simply combine two adjacent numbers on the game board to equal the number in the green square. BOO BOTS If you can’t make an equation, the Hint Button can help. But the ‘Droids are just waiting for you to use it so they can shower a “chorus of boos” on you. They’re so smug, but don’t let their crass behavior discourage you. Use it as motivation to try harder, be smarter, and shut them up!CHOOSE FROM 9 GAME LEVELSENDLESS CHALLENGESPlay against the clock and boost your brainpower.This game is **erously addictive. You’ll be hooked on this fun and interactive math-training exercise that tests basic arithmetic skills. It’s so entertaining you can’t stop playing!Droid Math requires Android 2.2 and Adobe Air 2.6 be installed on your mobile device.Get inside iMath and Arithmo game info on great deals, plus the latest game updates, tips & more…VISIT US: zokigames.netFOLLOW US: **.com/arithmoLIKE US: facebook.com/arithmoMath teachers and math tutors love this game because it speeds up ability to perform calculations quickly. The math drills improve logic and problem solving. Play this game to increase score and confidence on standardized tests such as the SAT, PSAT, GRE, GMAT, ACT, Kumon, MCAT. This is not math homework - this is math playtime!Parents, bond with your child and help him or her get a head start in school with this entertaining math puzzle game. It makes a great family game because it’s one of the best math games for adults, but also an educational game for kids. You and your child will develop math skills and enjoy a closer and more rewarding relationship. Use simple arithmetic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Droid Math is the most recent math game apps and puzzle game apps that are quickly becoming a worldwide sensation. Our interactive games are designed with all skill levels in mind to engage and entertain beginners and experts alike. When you enter the world of iMATH you enter a labyrinth of fun and mind bending puzzles that will teach you to think different; you will never grow bored of the new challenges presented to you with each game. So get back to basics and challenge your mind – your brain will be glad you did.And look out for our up-coming games: Shogi, Mahjong, Tic Tac Toe, Bubble Mix, Dominoes, Hangman, Minesweeper, Battleships, and other classic board, puzzle, card and brain games.We have these puzzle games in game form available in the following countries: Australia, Canada,Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany,UK, Deutschland, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italia, Australia, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Espa?a, Sweden, Suisse and United Kingdom. And look for our up-coming :(Connect 4), Shogi, (tile matching), Minesweeper, Battleships, and other brain games.Because there are no language barriers this game can be played all over the world and in far away places such as: Australia, Argentina, Brasil, China, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Thailand, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Israel, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Venezuela, Vietnam, New Zealand, Indonesia, ?sterreich, Россия, Srbija, Hrvatska, Türkiye, Polska, Croatia,?esko, България, Sverige and Schweiz. Keywords:maths games,games for children,multiplication games,free puzzles,kids games,smart games,solitary games,free games,math workout,math help,education,brain teaser,numbers,logic games,kid games,elementary math,mind games,tease,fun games free, fun games for free, fun games for kids,mathématiques,игры,puzzel games,puzzel box,Mensa,Mathe,juegos gratis,juegos free,des jeux,solitaire,Spiele,spiel,Zahlen,Kinder,kindergarten games,spil,tal,b?rn,solitair,giochi,numeri,kumon,gry,jogos,números,enigmas,juegos,spel,logik,barn,oyun,livre,бесплатно,libero,libre,中國,???,數(shù)學(xué),游戲,孤獨(dú),遊戲,謎,數(shù)學(xué),孤獨(dú)、,??,??,??,謎,スマート,脳,無料ゲーム,教育,??,??,子供, 數(shù)學(xué),パズル,拼圖,游戲,遊戲,ゲーム,??? ????? ???

Droid Math Free好玩嗎?Droid Math Free游戲介紹

Droid Math Free好玩嗎?Droid Math Free游戲介紹

Droid Math Free好玩嗎?Droid Math Free游戲介紹

Droid Math Free好玩嗎?Droid Math Free游戲介紹

Droid Math Free好玩嗎?Droid Math Free游戲介紹

看了上邊的Droid Math Free游戲介紹,各位玩家是否都了解了這款手游全部玩法特點(diǎn)系統(tǒng)分析介紹,知道Droid Math Free怎么樣,好不好玩呢!

i Qube Math好玩嗎?i Qube Math游戲介紹

導(dǎo)讀:期待已久的熱門手游i Qube Math火爆來襲啦!這款手機(jī)游戲吸引了大批游戲玩家的的關(guān)注,有很多玩家都在問九游小編i Qube Math好玩嗎?想知道這款手游怎么樣?今天小編就來說一下i Qube Math游戲介紹,帶各位玩家詳細(xì)了解一下這款手機(jī)游戲的所有玩法特點(diǎn)系統(tǒng)分析介紹,你就會知道i Qube Math究竟怎么樣,好不好玩了!


i Qube Math好玩嗎?i Qube Math游戲介紹

i Qube Math好玩嗎?i Qube Math游戲介紹

i Qube Math好玩嗎?i Qube Math游戲介紹

看了上邊的i Qube Math游戲介紹,各位玩家是否都了解了這款手游全部玩法特點(diǎn)系統(tǒng)分析介紹,知道i Qube Math怎么樣,好不好玩呢!

Math * Tiles = Run好玩嗎?Math * Tiles = Run游戲介紹

導(dǎo)讀:期待已久的熱門手游Math * Tiles = Run火爆來襲啦!這款手機(jī)游戲吸引了大批游戲玩家的的關(guān)注,有很多玩家都在問九游小編Math * Tiles = Run好玩嗎?想知道這款手游怎么樣?今天小編就來說一下Math * Tiles = Run游戲介紹,帶各位玩家詳細(xì)了解一下這款手機(jī)游戲的所有玩法特點(diǎn)系統(tǒng)分析介紹,你就會知道Math * Tiles = Run究竟怎么樣,好不好玩了!

Math * Tiles = Run 是一款瘋狂的數(shù)學(xué)競賽游戲。Math * Tiles = Run 將為您提供一系列簡單的問題,如8*4或32+44。游戲目的是做到準(zhǔn)確且迅速。你能多快回答20個問題?你一分鐘內(nèi)能解多少個方程?3分鐘內(nèi)的“數(shù)學(xué)馬拉松”呢?--易類別包括加,減,乘,除運(yùn)算的結(jié)果在1 .. 100范圍,同時(shí)更容易在它的類只加和乘。享受!所有的結(jié)果都在跟蹤裝置和可選的全球領(lǐng)先企業(yè)板(如果你啟用它) 。您可以與您的家人和朋友完成或嘗試去前50的球員全世界。?對于“ 20個問題”比賽得分較低的是更好的(得分=你用來解決這些問題的時(shí)間) 。?對于“1分”, “3分鐘”的比賽得分越高越好(得分=問題金額接聽) 。當(dāng)心 - 而游戲是非常容易的它可能會導(dǎo)致一些強(qiáng)烈的情緒時(shí),你幾乎到達(dá)3分鐘比賽結(jié)束,但未能在最后一個步驟,并埋葬你的機(jī)會來獲得一個新的記錄。在這種情況下,慢慢地呼氣,數(shù)到十,并給它一個嘗試一次:)如果你曾經(jīng)玩過任何游戲,其目標(biāo)是加強(qiáng)對所選的瓷磚只有你會知道它的所有關(guān)于在第二,你可以練習(xí)提高你的數(shù)學(xué)技能,同時(shí)播放。這場比賽是廣告支持 - 廣告將展示不時(shí)對“游戲結(jié)束畫面”,如果您購買的廣告去除我對此表示高度贊賞。

Math * Tiles = Run好玩嗎?Math * Tiles = Run游戲介紹

Math * Tiles = Run好玩嗎?Math * Tiles = Run游戲介紹

Math * Tiles = Run好玩嗎?Math * Tiles = Run游戲介紹

Math * Tiles = Run好玩嗎?Math * Tiles = Run游戲介紹

Math * Tiles = Run好玩嗎?Math * Tiles = Run游戲介紹

看了上邊的Math * Tiles = Run游戲介紹,各位玩家是否都了解了這款手游全部玩法特點(diǎn)系統(tǒng)分析介紹,知道Math * Tiles = Run怎么樣,好不好玩呢!

Samurai Math好玩嗎?Samurai Math游戲介紹

導(dǎo)讀:期待已久的熱門手游Samurai Math火爆來襲啦!這款手機(jī)游戲吸引了大批游戲玩家的的關(guān)注,有很多玩家都在問九游小編Samurai Math好玩嗎?想知道這款手游怎么樣?今天小編就來說一下Samurai Math游戲介紹,帶各位玩家詳細(xì)了解一下這款手機(jī)游戲的所有玩法特點(diǎn)系統(tǒng)分析介紹,你就會知道Samurai Math究竟怎么樣,好不好玩了!

Just calculate 10 questions faster without making mistakes. You can use the way to calculate on paper (step way) or mental arithmetic calculation (direct way). Step mode (Input from right) is the way just like doing calculation on paper. Direct mode (Input from left) is the way to input answer directly. If you want to input faster, normally direct mode is faster. But, the step mode is the basic of calculation, so if you are not confident with the way to calculate on paer (step way), then practice by step way first. When you push Start button, game will start. Step mode is default setting. You may change the mode by Dir(direct) button. If your answer is correct at the first try, then you get 10 points, if it is not first try, then you will get 1 point. You can not try next question, until you get correct answer. If you get 10 correct answers without any mistake, then you will get points x 10 times, which makes your score as 1000 points. [2 x 1 digits] Try calculation with 2 by 1 digits.[関連キーワード]パズルナンプレ數(shù)獨(dú)クロスワードロジック數(shù)當(dāng)て數(shù)字當(dāng)てマスターマインドヒットアンドブローヌメロンぬめろんヌメロン フジ テレビヌメロン フジテレビカルコロンコードブレーカーNumer0n [ヌメロン]mastermindhit and blowhit&blowhit & blow1a2bbulls and cowsnumer0nnumeroncalcoloncode breakertemple run

Samurai Math好玩嗎?Samurai Math游戲介紹

Samurai Math好玩嗎?Samurai Math游戲介紹

看了上邊的Samurai Math游戲介紹,各位玩家是否都了解了這款手游全部玩法特點(diǎn)系統(tǒng)分析介紹,知道Samurai Math怎么樣,好不好玩呢!

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