What is MOBO? MOBO is modern way to practice orienteering using artphones. MOBO application is developed for local permanent orienteering courses, but using this platform, it’s possible to organise outdoor orienteering events for everyone and everywhere. Phone is 3-in-1 device for orienteer – map, compass and punching device all in one package.MOBO application is currently available for Android phones and tablets.How to starts?Just install application into phone, find nearest course and start orienteering. Use map on screen and build-in compass for navigation. In terrain controls are marked with special QR codes. When user visits control, she/he will do punch showing QR code to MOBO application. Program will sends punches to server for ranking. More information, results and statistics are available from website available (from ver 3) also in English - select English from "Seaded"->"Keel" and restart application.