Kung Fu Monkey - A fun action game revolves around the four monkeys Ngo Ky with four companions as Tru Bat Ky, Xa Ngo Ky, Duong Ky. Four teachers and students i...
Kungfu Monkey 1986
Kung Fu Monkey - A fun action game revolves around the four monkeys Ngo Ky with four companions as Tru Bat Ky, Xa Ngo Ky, Duong Ky. Four teachers and students in Street Name journey financed.Ngo Ky is a guide only way for the rest.Xa Ngo Ky is any symbol of participation and education.You can continue to add vitality , strength and life to the characters by accumulating much money ( let kill monsters , pick up coins along the way ) to buy items in the store ..The game also have functions to share with your friends through facebook , google+ , s , and email .Functions game:- Beautiful graphics , lively and vibrant sound- There are 6 levels ( 6 sufferings) will continue to update .- Compatible with all models using android operating systems== > Game is totally FREE [ assure no charge in any form ] .Wish you have the moments relax and comfortable
Kungfu Monkey 1986游戲截圖
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