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你喜歡益智游戲嗎?這是為您完美的游戲,Hexagon Puzzle Deluxe Block HD。這是一個新的BLOCK Match益智游戲。
六角拼圖豪華塊高清是大腦的王者! Hexic Puzzle是一種tetris風格的令人興奮的拼圖游戲。
- 容易學習和樂趣來掌握游戲
- 舒緩的聲音和華麗的視覺效果。
請注意,Hexagon Puzzle Deluxe Block HD沒有時間限制,花時間和玩游戲。
Do you love puzzle games? Here comes the perfect game for you, Hexagon Puzzle Block Deluxe HD. This is a new BLOCK Match puzzle game.
Hexagon Puzzle Block Deluxe HD is a very fun and exciting block match puzzle game, it makes you keep playing for FREE!
Hexagon Puzzle Block Deluxe HD is the KING of BRAIN TEASERS! Hexic Puzzle is a tetris style exciting block puzzle game.
Easy to play, and pleasurable game for all ages. This game Ideal for all ages, Play easily and quickly.
Move blocks to fill up the square and collect block pieces to level up!
? 360 levels and more coming
? Drag the hexagon blocks to move them to the honeycomb cells
? Try to fit them all in the frame
? Blocks can't be rotated.
? Don't worry! No time limits!
No internet connection required. Play this game offline.
- Easy to learn and fun to master gameplay
- Soothing sounds and gorgeous visual effects.
Hexagon Puzzle Block Deluxe HD is a pefect combination between some puzzle games such as sodoku, jigsaw, block puzzle, puzzle bobble, hexagon puzzle and so on. You can play this brain teasers game any time for free.
Enjoy and having fun playing Hexagon Puzzle Block Deluxe HD
Please note that Hexagon Puzzle Block Deluxe HD not have time limit, take your time and having fun with the game.
Hexagon Puzzle Block Deluxe HD is a block game, that is the game block puzzle, you need to solve the block puzzle games, find the right solution for the puzzle, break the block games within the wooden block puzzle, the hexagon block in the wood puzzle, all you need to do is finding the right block puzzle solutions, be the expert, find the andswers to solve the mania block puzzle answers.- 120 New levels
- 2 new World with only 5 Block and 6 Blocks
- Improve UI, easier to navigate the UI and select world to play.