在六邊形里大展身手吧!還在玩方塊版地2048?你OUT了!六邊形才是你真正的挑戰(zhàn)!在六邊形里得到2048吧 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 經典的2048游戲,新六邊形棋盤! 方塊2048太無聊了?來試試六邊形把!六邊形的每一條邊都可以滑動累加數(shù)字,在六邊形里完成2048把! 把數(shù)字累加到2048來獲勝,簡單益智易上手! 享受游戲樂趣,充實游戲體驗,是時候展現(xiàn)真正的技術了! ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ keywords:六邊形,6,6邊形,多邊形,挑戰(zhàn),2048, 1024, threes, 解謎, 益智, 數(shù)字, 減壓, 休閑, 綠色, 健康, 游云 本游戲已經由加拿大游云公司(GameCloud Ltd, Alberta Corporation, Canada)在Google Play 139個國家上架,受啟發(fā)于原作者 Gabriele Cirulli。在其MIT LICENSE許可下進行發(fā)布,原作者信息. This game has been created from the game 2048 by Gabriele Cirulli (http://gabrielecirulli.com/), itself based on 1024 by Veewo Studio (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/1024!/id823499224) conceptually similar to Threes by Asher Vollmer (http://asherv.com/threes/). This implementation use only Kivy framework, and can be played on mobile with swipes or desktop with keyboard. It uses OpenGL, so it's faster than the HTML version :) The source code for this game can be found at https://github.com/tito/2048